Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) bars, as a structural reinforcement, are characterized by the number of advantages, such as: high strength-to-density ratio; absence of corrosion; resistance to the negative influence of the different aggressive mediums. Nevertheless, a wide practical application of such a bars finds an embarrassment because of the law modulus of elasticity (it varies from 30 GPa to 60 GPa), that leads to the development of the excessive crack opening as well as deflections under the loading. To enhance structural performance of the FRP reinforced concrete members, pretensioning of FRP bars can be considered as a good option. Opposite to the concrete members mechanical pretensioning, physico-chemical method of bars pretensioning based on the self-stressing concrete utilizing is considered. Influence of the controlled initial stress-strain state obtained during early age concrete expansion on the mechanical resistance of the self-stressed concrete members reinforced with both steel and FRP bars was studied.
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