In 2010 reconstruction combined with thermal modernisation was carried out in the public building. Thermal characteristics of the building according to the project of modernisation was to be much improved, which should also improve thermal comfort of the rooms. During the first two years of operation after the completion of the modernization there were no expected effects according to the users of the object.
Actual heat transfer coefficients of partition were determined as the result of thermal imaging of the building and measurements of the heat flux and temperature coefficients. Energy consumption, heat and electricity for heating of the building were analysed. Calculation results for the six established operational conditions have been compared with the actual energy consumption for the applied computing terms and conditions.
Heat transfer coefficients determined by measurements were on average of 65% worse than projected one. Infrared images enabled the location and the approximate range of manufacturing defects. Based on the analysis of assumed variants operation of the building and energy consumption measurements it was found that the energy performance after the refurbishment is about of 33% worse than expected.
Measurements (HFM) and thermovision available now (allowing an evaluation of thermal parameters of partitions) are great tools for evaluation of the works related to the thermal quality of the building.
Correlating the measurements with calculation allows the correct assessment of a building’s energy quality, which leads to further proposals, for example, regarding to the merits, scope and possible repair profitability.
Sarosiek W., Sadowska B.: Opinia techniczna dotycząca budynku użyteczności publicznej, na prawach rękopisu, Białystok 2014.
PN-EN ISO 6946 „Komponenty budowlane i elementy budynku. Opór cieplny i współczynnik przenikania ciepła. Metoda obliczeń”,
PN-83/B-03430Az3:2000 „Wentylacja w budynkach mieszkalnych, zamieszkania zbiorowego i użyteczności publicznej”,
PN-EN ISO 13790:2009 „Energetyczne właściwości użytkowe budynków. Obliczanie zużycia energii na potrzeby ogrzewania i chłodzenia”.
PN-EN ISO 12831 „Instalacje ogrzewcze w budynkach. Metoda obliczania projektowanego obciążenia cieplnego”.