Ensuring a safe evacuation for the users of a building is a major goal when designing structures and systems protecting them against the effects of a fire. The article discusses the safety assessment for evacuation of users from a building exemplified by an analysis using computational fluid mechanics to reproduce the environmental conditions during a fire. It presents a way to evaluate the possibility of a safe evacuation of users from a facility by indicating the criteria for the assessment of conditions on the evacuation routes during emergency evacuation. In order to verify the criteria for assessing the evacuation safety, a three-dimensional model of the object under consideration has been prepared, for which a dedicated calculation solver of Fire Dynamic Simulator fluid mechanics has been used to recreate the fire conditions in the building. Prepared calculation model takes into account both the development of a fire on a given floor of the building and the simulation of the designed fire ventilation system in operation. In the paper the authors compare the assumptions used to create a calculation model and analyze their impact on the assessment of evacuation safety. Comparative analysis of the assumptions used to prepare the fire model allowed to draw conclusions particularly important for the people evaluating the evacuation safety on the basis of the analysis of the operation of fire ventilation systems using the computational fluids mechanics.
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