The quality of construction products and compliance with their declared performance is of key importance for the safety and health of users of construction works. In extreme cases, defects in building materials can lead to a construction disaster. In order to assess what is the quality of construction products available on the Polish market over the period 2016-2020, the measurement results available on the website of the General Office of Building Supervision (GUNB) were analyzed. The paper presents 13 groups of construction products divided into two sets. The results of the analysis show that there are still construction products on the market that do not meet the declared requirements. In 2020, 44% of thermal insulation products and 38% of membranes did not meet at least one tested property. The quality of construction adhesives, flooring and flooring products is average (in adopted scale of assessment). Due to too few samples/tests, it is difficult to draw clear conclusions for doors, windows and bonded products and aggregates. In all of these product groups, the number of tests performed annually should be increased.
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